Bleum is committed to developing its single most important asset - its people. Every year, from October to November, Bleum starts its annual "Campus Recruiting" program. We offer staff clearly defined career paths and ensure that they receive the best training and on the job support and mentoring possible. Bleum has run a formalized graduate recruitment campaign selecting students nationwide since 2002. Successful graduates participate in the annual graduate trainee program that starts every July. Bleum's English Only Working Environment is also one of the most important reasons for new hires to join.
Software Development (软件开发工程师)(15人)
Test Engineer(软件测试工程师)(5人)
Requirements: 职位要求
1. 2016年应届大学毕业生
2. 本科及以上学历,热爱软件行业工作,数学、物理、计算机、软件工程等相关专业优先
3. 拥有良好的沟通能力、学习能力、执行能力、抗压能力、逻辑分析能力以及团队合作精神
4. 拥有良好的英语书写能力
Location: 工作地点
Chengdu 成都
Schedule: 2016年博朗软件成都招聘日程
2015年10月16日 9:00 电子科大清水河校区 学生活动中心201
2015年10月16日15:00四川大学航空港校区 二基楼 B408
2015年10月20日14:00成都信息工程学院航空港校区 学术报告厅
Recruiting process: 招聘流程
在线申请或直接投递简历至博朗软件-->参与博朗宣讲会与笔试 -->收到面试通知-->参加面试-->收到录取通知书
Tips: Please bring a calculator to attend numerical paper test.